The rise in energy demand has been a defining feature of industrialization, beginning with Britain in the late 18th century, where the emergence of factories powered...
In recent years, tensions in the South China Sea have continued to escalate, particularly as China becomes more assertive in its territorial claims. The Philippines, a...
From the land of the samurai to the forefront of innovation, Japan’s journey is nothing short of remarkable. After WWII devastation, Japan not only rebuilt—it redefined...
Religious sites around the world have often found themselves at the heart of some of history’s most intense conflicts, where the convergence of faith, culture, history,...
In recent years, the Indo-Pacific region has become a focal point of global geopolitical competition, with several nations competing for control over its vital waterways and...
The Cambodia-Vietnam maritime boundary dispute mirrors a global pattern of nations vying for control of strategic waters, echoing historical conflicts like the centuries-long disputes over the...
Recently, Malaysia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs launched an internal probe following the leak of a classified diplomatic note sent by China, urging Malaysia to halt oil...
For Americans, relocating to the Philippines may be like stepping into a colorful tapestry where East and West collide in the most surprising manner. Imagine yourself...
The U.S.-Philippines relationship, spanning over a century, remains a cornerstone of both countries’ strategic and economic interests in Southeast Asia. The alliance, rooted in historical ties...
The South China Sea (SCS) has long been a focal point of international geopolitical tension. A region that holds vast economic and strategic importance, it has...