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How the United States Four New EDCA Sites in the Philippines Challenges China’s Influence in the Indo-Pacific?

How the United States Four New EDCA Sites in the Philippines Challenges China’s Influence in the Indo-Pacific?

By selecting four new Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) locations in the Philippines, the United States has made a bold and controversial move that has ignited debate about its broader geopolitical objectives in the Indo-Pacific region. Beneath layers of diplomatic maneuvers and strategic secrecy, this decision has raised significant questions regarding the true motivations behind these choices. Is it a calculated diversion from China’s rising assertiveness, a strategic effort to strengthen ties within the region, or a daring step that could embroil the Philippines in an imminent geopolitical conflict? As the Philippines finds itself at the epicenter of global power dynamics, attention is squarely focused on how these developments will shape regional alliances and tensions.

Background on EDCA

The Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) is a significant pact between the United States and the Philippines, aimed at bolstering the military alliance between the two countries. This agreement allows the U.S. to rotate troops into the Philippines for extended periods and construct and operate facilities on Philippine military bases, which can be used by both American and Filipino forces. Importantly, the EDCA prohibits the establishment of permanent U.S. military bases, while the Philippines retains ownership of the sites and access to U.S. ships and aircraft. The EDCA was signed on April 28, 2014, by Philippine Defense Secretary Voltaire Gazmin and U.S. Ambassador to the Philippines Philip Goldberg in Manila, just before U.S. President Barack Obama’s meeting with Philippine President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino. Despite facing legal challenges and political opposition, particularly from former President Rodrigo Duterte, the agreement was upheld by the Philippine Supreme Court in 2016, affirming its legality and its importance in strengthening the U.S.-Philippine alliance.

Ambassador Goldberg emphasized that the EDCA’s primary objective is to “promote peace and security in the region.” The agreement supplements the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty and the 1999 Visiting Forces Agreement, reaffirming mutual cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines in enhancing their individual and collective defense capabilities. It allows the U.S. military to pre-position defense equipment and supplies at agreed locations within the Philippines, ensuring that the materials do not include nuclear weapons. These provisions are designed to improve the interoperability of the two countries’ armed forces, support long-term modernization efforts, enhance maritime security, and expand humanitarian assistance and disaster response capabilities. While U.S. forces may exercise operational control and station personnel and equipment at these agreed locations, the Philippines retains sovereignty over these sites. Additionally, the agreement specifies that all facilities constructed under the EDCA must be turned over to the Philippine government upon the agreement’s conclusion. The EDCA, initially effective for ten years, automatically renews unless either party decides to terminate it with a one-year notice.

Overview of the New EDCA Locations

The U.S. has strategically identified four new sites under the EDCA in the Philippines, reflecting a careful blend of strategic, operational, and diplomatic considerations. This renewed partnership, which has gained momentum under Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., marks a significant step forward in U.S.-Philippine defense cooperation. On April 3, the U.S. announced the establishment of these new EDCA sites, which include the Camilo Osias Naval Base in Cagayan, Camp Melchor Dela Cruz in Isabela, Lal-lo Airport in Cagayan, and Balabac Island in Palawan. These new sites, along with the five existing EDCA locations, are intended to enhance the interoperability of the U.S. and Philippine armed forces, allowing for more seamless joint responses to various challenges in the Indo-Pacific region, including natural and humanitarian disasters. The EDCA permits the U.S. to rotate forces and access agreed-upon Philippine military bases, where they can construct storage facilities and pre-position equipment. However, the agreement prohibits the establishment of permanent U.S. bases.

The selected sites reflect strategic priorities. While Balabac Island is near the South China Sea, three of the new sites—Camilo Osias Naval Base, Camp Melchor Dela Cruz, and Lal-lo Airport—are located in northern Luzon, closer to Taiwan. This positioning enhances the capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for naval and air operations in the Luzon Strait and Benham Rise. The Luzon Strait is a critical waterway that separates the Philippines from Taiwan and serves as a strategic link between the South China Sea and the Philippine Sea, crucial for Chinese warships entering the Western Pacific. Benham Rise, located 250 kilometers (155 miles) east of Luzon, is a part of the Philippines’ continental shelf, recognized in 2012, but has been the subject of illegal seabed surveys by China. China has strongly opposed the development of EDCA, accusing the U.S. of using it as a foothold to interfere in a Taiwan Strait crisis or to launch attacks on China. Beijing’s objections extend beyond the specific locations, reflecting broader concerns about deepening U.S.-Philippine security cooperation. During the Duterte administration, China exerted significant influence over Philippine foreign policy, but it is now frustrated by the current Philippine government’s less accommodating stance. China’s Ambassador to the Philippines, Huang Xilian, has expressed concerns, stating that the U.S. clearly intends to use the new EDCA sites to interfere in the Taiwan Strait situation, furthering its geopolitical agenda at the expense of peace and development in the Philippines and the region.


The U.S. initially allocated $82 million for infrastructure development at the five existing EDCA sites, which has now been increased to $100 million to include the new locations. The existing sites are Basa Air Base in Pampanga, Fort Magsaysay in Nueva Ecija, Antonio Bautista Air Base in Palawan, Benito Ebuen Air Base in Cebu, and Lumbia Air Base in Cagayan de Oro. While 15 infrastructure projects are planned across these sites, only five have been completed so far. In Palawan, for example, projects include a warehouse for humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HADR), a fuel tank, and a Command and Control (C2) fusion center. Work on the 2.8-kilometer (1.7-mile) runway at Basa Air Base began in March and is expected to be completed by September. Additionally, construction has started on a 3-kilometer (1.8-mile) runway on Balabac Island, which will also feature a HADR warehouse, barracks, and other military facilities. These initiatives enhance the ability of the AFP and U.S. military to conduct bilateral training, such as the annual Balikatan exercises, and bolster both nations’ resilience for missions like HADR and national defense. Despite China’s opposition, the U.S. Department of Defense has affirmed its commitment to working with the Philippines on new opportunities that benefit both countries, and additional EDCA sites may be announced in the future. AFP spokesperson Colonel Medel Aguilar stated, “Expanding EDCA is possible. As an archipelagic country with numerous islands and an extensive coastline, the AFP must have 360-degree protection capabilities to safeguard our sovereignty, territorial integrity, and maritime resources.”

The Defense Department will continue to collaborate closely with the Philippine Department of National Defense and armed forces to accelerate modernization projects in these areas. “For over seven decades, the United States and the Philippines have stood together, unwavering in our treaty commitments and shared vision for a more peaceful, secure, and prosperous region,” the department noted. A State Department statement emphasized that “U.S.-Philippine relations are founded on strong historical and cultural ties, as well as a shared commitment to democracy and human rights.” The Mutual Defense Treaty of 1951 serves as the cornerstone of the post-World War II security alliance between the two nations, while robust people-to-people connections and economic cooperation open new avenues for collaboration on a range of bilateral, regional, and global issues.

Criteria for Selection of New EDCA Locations

Since its signing in 2014, the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) has experienced delays, but it has recently gained renewed momentum, particularly in response to Beijing’s aggressive actions in the South China Sea. In April 2024, significant developments included a combined Maritime Cooperative Activity in the South China Sea by Australia, Japan, the Philippines, and the United States, as well as a trilateral conference between Japan, the Philippines, and the United States to promote a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’. Despite initial legal challenges and political opposition, especially from former President Duterte, EDCA implementation slowed but was never repealed. President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., elected in 2022, revitalized EDCA with the announcement of new locations and increased funding. The selection of the new EDCA locations was based on several critical factors. One of the primary considerations was the strategic proximity of these sites to potential conflict zones, particularly the South China Sea. This positioning allows for faster response times and strengthens the deterrent posture of the U.S. and the Philippines against aggressive actions by regional powers, especially China. The selected sites are also crucial for maintaining reliable logistical and supply chains, which are essential for sustaining long-term military operations. These locations enable the smooth movement of personnel, equipment, and supplies, ensuring that both U.S. and Philippine forces receive the necessary support during any conflict or humanitarian mission. Another important criterion for the selection of these sites was their capacity to support a wide range of military missions. These missions include air and naval patrols, training exercises, disaster response, and other joint activities. The versatility of these sites is essential for addressing the diverse security challenges in the region. Furthermore, locations with existing military infrastructure were preferred, as they can be upgraded more efficiently to meet the operational requirements of both countries. The selection process also took into account the accessibility of these sites for both U.S. and Philippine forces, ensuring that they are easily reachable during times of crisis.

Analysis and Implications of New EDCA Locations

In the coastal town of Santa Ana, a municipality in the province of Cagayan, northern Luzon, the landscape of international security is rapidly changing. Known primarily for its untouched beauty and role in the burgeoning Cagayan Special Economic Zone, Santa Ana has now found itself thrust into the geopolitical limelight. This shift is due to its selection as one of nine newly designated locations for the U.S. military’s Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) in the Philippines, bringing the town to the forefront of tensions between the United States and China. The U.S. military’s presence in Santa Ana, along with the other newly established EDCA sites, represents a significant strategic pivot, particularly in the context of regional security dynamics. In previous decades, the U.S. operated extensive bases throughout the Philippines, including the sprawling Subic Bay Naval Base and Clark Air Base. These bases played crucial roles in both the Vietnam War and the Cold War but were eventually closed following the Philippine Senate’s 1991 decision to end the U.S. military presence on its soil. The recent establishment of smaller, strategically positioned sites under EDCA marks a departure from those large-scale installations and reflects a shift in U.S. military strategy.


This shift in strategy is evident in the recent Balikatan military exercises, held annually to demonstrate the strength and readiness of the U.S.-Philippine alliance. These exercises are among the largest in recent history, featuring 17,000 troops from both countries, along with forces from Australia. For the first time, the drills included activities at several of the new EDCA sites, including Santa Ana. These exercises, which simulated the defense of small islands against potential aggressors, highlight the importance of the new locations in the broader U.S. strategy to counter China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific region. As the construction of infrastructure at the new EDCA sites progresses, the local communities and government officials in the affected areas face a myriad of challenges and concerns. For Santa Ana, the influx of U.S. military personnel and the construction of new facilities raise questions about the potential impact on the local economy, environment, and social fabric. While the presence of U.S. forces is expected to bring economic opportunities, such as increased demand for goods and services, it also poses risks, including environmental degradation, displacement of local communities, and possible social tensions.

Challenges and Controversies

The announcement of the new EDCA sites has not been without its share of challenges and controversies. Local opposition has emerged in various parts of the Philippines, particularly in the northern province of Cagayan, where the new sites are located. Residents and local officials have expressed concerns about the potential environmental impact of the new military facilities, including the destruction of natural habitats and the displacement of communities. Additionally, there is apprehension about the social implications of increased U.S. military presence, such as potential increases in crime and other social issues. The expansion of EDCA has also sparked a national debate over the issue of Philippine sovereignty. Critics argue that the establishment of new U.S. military sites undermines the Philippines’ sovereignty and exposes the country to the risks of being drawn into broader geopolitical conflicts, particularly between the U.S. and China. They contend that hosting additional U.S. military facilities could erode the Philippines’ autonomy in foreign policy decisions and limit its ability to navigate regional issues independently.

Public opinion on the expansion of EDCA is divided. While some Filipinos support the agreement as a means of enhancing national security and deterring external threats, others are concerned about the potential consequences for the country’s independence and regional standing. Polls indicate that nearly half of Filipinos are opposed to the expansion of U.S. military presence in the country, fearing that it could entangle the Philippines in global conflicts and diminish its regional influence. The EDCA expansion also has significant diplomatic implications for the Philippines’ relationships with its neighbors and other major powers. China’s reaction to the announcement of new EDCA sites has been swift and negative. Beijing views the expansion as a direct threat to its interests in the South China Sea and a challenge to its regional dominance. In response, China has increased its military presence in the contested waters and conducted a series of naval exercises near the Philippines. These actions have further strained relations between Manila and Beijing and complicated efforts to resolve territorial disputes through diplomatic means. On the other hand, the U.S. sees the EDCA expansion as a vital component of its broader strategy to counter China’s growing influence in the Indo-Pacific. By strengthening its military presence in the region and deepening its alliance with the Philippines, the U.S. aims to deter Chinese aggression and maintain stability in the South China Sea. However, this approach risks escalating tensions and could lead to a more confrontational relationship between the U.S. and China, with the Philippines caught in the middle.

End Note

The establishment of new EDCA locations in the Philippines represents a strategic move by the United States to enhance its military presence in the Indo-Pacific region and counter China’s growing influence. While the expansion of EDCA promises long-term benefits for U.S.-Philippine relations, including enhanced security cooperation and economic opportunities, it also faces significant local opposition and potential diplomatic challenges. As the Philippines continues to play a pivotal role in regional security, it must carefully balance its national interests with the broader geopolitical dynamics at play. The selection of these new EDCA locations underscores the strategic importance of the Philippines in the U.S.’s broader Indo-Pacific strategy. However, the challenges and controversies surrounding the expansion of U.S. military presence in the country highlight the complex and often contentious nature of this relationship. Moving forward, the Philippines will need to navigate these challenges carefully, balancing the benefits of enhanced security cooperation with the risks of being drawn into broader geopolitical conflicts. The future of EDCA and the U.S.-Philippine alliance will likely depend on how both countries address the concerns of local communities, manage diplomatic relations with regional powers, and ensure that the benefits of the agreement are shared equitably. As the U.S. continues to strengthen its presence in the Indo-Pacific, the Philippines will remain a critical partner in maintaining regional stability and security. The success of this partnership will hinge on the ability of both nations to work together in addressing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.



How does it feel like living in the Philippines as an American Expat?

How does it feel like living in the Philippines as an American Expat

For Americans, relocating to the Philippines may be like stepping into a colorful tapestry where East and West collide in the most surprising manner. Imagine yourself in a busy metropolis, where modern malls are just a short distance away and street sellers are selling delicious street cuisine. You travel across verdant islands with glistening waters, but you also have to become used to a new way of life and set of cultural customs. There are always fresh adventures and a few surprises to look forward to every day in this special blend of difficulty and excitement. Living in the Philippines is an exciting and enlightening experience, ranging from acclimating to local customs to enjoying great, yet foreign dishes. Ready to dive into this captivating journey? Let’s explore!

Living in the Philippines as an American 

Living in the Philippines as an American is an intriguing experience that brings together two opposing worlds. On one side, there’s the allure of sunny beaches, vibrant festivals, and a strong sense of community. On the other hand, there is the issue of adapting to new cultural norms, local languages, and lifestyles. It’s a location where American ideas combine effortlessly with Filipino customs, resulting in a setting that is both familiar and pleasantly unique. Whether it’s the people’s kindness, the vibrant food scene, or the slower pace of life, living in the Philippines provides a distinct blend of comfort and adventure that can be both eye-opening and profoundly satisfying.

You can never be bored in the Philippines thanks to its beaches and many islands, which is one of the main draws for Americans. Currently, over 35,000 Americans reside in the Philippines, accounting for 1.3% of all Americans living overseas.

This Southeast Asian jewel has beautiful tropical beaches, low-cost living, and a laid-back lifestyle that appeals to people seeking both adventure and relaxation. From bustling urban hubs like Manila and Cebu to the tranquil charm of its islands, the country offers a unique experience. Its English-speaking populace, thriving expat communities, and strong Western influences make it particularly desirable to Americans looking for long-term vacation.

Cultural Experience and Hospitality

One of the Philippines’ biggest strengths is its well-known hospitality, as evidenced by its ranking as the first country in Asia and in the Top 8 countries in the world. Over the years, the nation has gained a reputation for showing true hospitality to tourists, immigrants, and expats. The intense heat on the streets may not dampen the friendly grins and cordial greetings that Filipinos always bestow upon you.


An American’s Perspective On Filipino Hospitality

When asked about his experience in the Philippines, an American replied, “Honestly, Filipinos are some of the most generous and welcoming people I’ve ever met. When I married my wife, I didn’t just marry her immediate family of five—I became part of this massive extended family with dozens of aunts, uncles, cousins… the whole package. It’s almost like marrying into an entire country of over 100 million people. And Filipino hospitality, it’s not just about giving you a warm welcome; it’s like they’re making you part of their family. In the Philippines, guests are treated like royalty. They’ll go all out, preparing these huge meals, even if they can’t really afford it. What’s amazing is, this doesn’t stop when they leave the country. It’s like they carry that sense of hospitality with them wherever they go. You’ll always hear ‘Kain na’—which means ‘Let’s eat’—or ‘Kumain ka na ba?’—‘Have you eaten yet?’—and it just makes you feel instantly at home.”

Another visitor stated, “Coming from an Italian family, I thought I knew a thing or two about hospitality. But Filipinos? They take it to the next level. Their parties are overflowing with food, and when you leave, you’re not just full—they send you home with enough leftovers to feed an army! But it’s more than just the food—it’s that deep sense of belonging they give you. They welcome you with open arms, excited to share their culture, and it feels like you’re one of their own. I’ll admit, sometimes it can be overwhelming—especially when privacy is scarce and the celebrations never seem to end. But at the end of the day, you come back appreciating their warmth and acceptance even more. Filipino hospitality is all about making everyone feel like family, no matter where you’re from.”

How Filipinos Welcome with open Hearts

Filipinos are a remarkable, known for their resilience, strong family ties, and ability to smile even in the face of hardships. What truly makes them stand out, however, is their unique brand of hospitality. Whether dealing with locals or foreigners, Filipinos have a natural warmth that makes everyone feel like family. This trait has been ingrained in their culture for centuries, with early ancestors welcoming traders and foreigners with open arms long before colonization. Even today, this welcoming spirit is alive and well, creating a lasting impression on those who experience it.

Filipino hospitality isn’t just about politeness—it’s an act of genuine care. From offering slippers and food to ensuring a guest’s comfort, Filipinos go out of their way to make people feel at home. It’s a gesture that reflects their deep-rooted values of generosity and compassion. Even if they have little to give, they will still find a way to share whatever they have. This is true even among the poorest, who would gladly offer their last bowl of rice to make a guest feel welcome.


Beyond generosity, Filipino hospitality is about forming meaningful connections. When you are welcomed into a Filipino home, you aren’t just a guest—you become part of the family. Filipinos treat their visitors with the same love and care they offer their own relatives, leaving a lasting impression that goes far beyond the visit itself. This sense of belonging is what makes Filipino hospitality so memorable and cherished by people from all over the world.

Even in a fast-changing, modern world, Filipino hospitality remains a vital part of the culture. It’s more than just tradition; it’s a reflection of the Filipino spirit—one that values kindness, inclusion, and the importance of making others feel at home. This enduring trait is something Filipinos are rightfully proud of and continue to pass on to future generations.

Some short facts about the Philippines

First, here are some essential things you should know about the Philippines:

Capital: Manila

Main languages: Filipino and English


Population: around 119 million (119,106,224)

Currency: Philippine Peso (PHP)

Government type: democratic and presidential representative federal republic

Religion: Christianity

Visas and Legal Considerations

U.S. citizens can relocate to the Philippines for various reasons, including work, education, retirement, business, or to join family members. While U.S. citizens can enter the Philippines visa-free for up to 30 days as tourists, longer stays require specific visas. It’s important to choose the appropriate visa based on your situation, especially if you plan to work. Those looking to work need a 9(g) Work Visa, which costs around $400 and requires proof of employment and a provisional work permit. Other visa options are available depending on the purpose of your move, such as for retirement or education.


For retirees, the Special Resident Retiree’s Visa (SRRV) is available for individuals over the age of 35 who are in good health. This visa comes with financial requirements, such as maintaining a $20,000 deposit or investing in real estate, and the application fee is $1,400, with a $360 annual renewal fee. Students can apply for the 9(f) Student Visa if they’ve been accepted into a recognized educational institution in the Philippines, with an application fee of $250. Those who are married to Filipino citizens can apply for a spouse visa, allowing for a longer stay.

The visa application process is fairly simple and requires submitting essential documents such as a valid U.S. passport, medical and physical examination reports, police clearance, visa fees, and four passport-sized photos.

Cost of Living as an American Expat

Moving to the Philippines offers a more affordable cost of living compared to the U.S. Everyday expenses are significantly lower. For example, a three-course meal for two people costs about $21.52 in the Philippines, compared to $75 in the U.S. A loaf of bread is $1.19 compared to $3.54, and a 0.5-liter domestic beer is just $1.26 versus $6. Public transport is also far cheaper, with a monthly pass costing $10.14 compared to $70. Basic utilities cost around $100.15 monthly in the Philippines, while in the U.S., they average $188.70. Rent for a 1-bedroom apartment in a city center is about $324.40 in the Philippines, much lower than the $1,708.27 average in the U.S., and purchasing property is also more affordable at $2,616.76 per square meter compared to $4,692.35.

Prices will vary greatly depending on where you move. Living in the city center is likely to be more expensive than in a rural area. The Philippines has a 52% lower average cost of living than the US, which is beneficial to consider. As shown in the table above, property is also far less expensive.

Cost of migrating to the Philippines

Before you can focus on daily living expenses in the Philippines, it’s important to account for the cost of transportation, especially when relocating from abroad. This includes shipping your household goods and covering airfare for family members. If you’re bringing pets, additional arrangements will need to be made for their transport as well. On average, shipping a full container from the U.S. to the Philippines ranges between $850 and $4,500, depending on the size and location. While shipping by sea is generally cheaper, it also takes longer than air freight. The exact cost will depend on the volume of your belongings and your departure and arrival points, so obtaining quotes from shipping companies is crucial to planning your move.


Once you’re in the Philippines, securing housing becomes a priority. Many expats choose to rent initially, as it offers flexibility to explore different areas before settling down. Both rent and property prices in the Philippines are substantially lower than in the U.S., making it more affordable to rent or buy a home. Healthcare is another vital aspect to consider; while the public healthcare system is underfunded and ranks low internationally, private healthcare offers a higher quality of care. Most expats opt for private health insurance to ensure access to better medical services. In terms of daily life, banking is relatively straightforward, though opening a local bank account typically requires an in-person visit. Public transportation is affordable, but systems like jeepneys and buses can be unpredictable, so learning to navigate them efficiently is key to easing your transition.


Living in the Philippines comes with its own set of challenges, particularly in major cities like Manila. One of the biggest issues is the heavy traffic, which can make commuting long and unpredictable. The congestion, combined with variable road conditions, can make driving stressful, so many expats rely on public transport or hire drivers to navigate the city more efficiently.

Another common challenge expats face is the so-called “skin tax,” where foreigners may be charged higher prices for goods and services simply because they’re perceived to have more wealth. This can apply in markets, transportation, and even housing, so it’s important to be aware and, when possible, negotiate prices or seek recommendations from locals to avoid overpaying.

Addressing Unexpected Import Duties and Customs Challenges in the Philippines

Hello, I am British and for the past few years I have been regularly sending boxes to my Filipino daughter in law, I am sending stuff like clothes and toys and books for my grandchildren.  She was never required to pay import duty before now. The last 3 boxes I sent her with similar contents to all the previous boxes, she had to pay a total of 27,000 pesos import duty. I want to see a breakdown of the import duty but she is never given or sent any paperwork just told to pay the delivery driver.Anyone got advice on dealing with Philippines Customs import duties.RegardsRon

Expats in the Philippines often encounter unexpected import duties and customs challenges, which can lead to confusion and frustration. For instance, many expats sending personal items like clothing, toys, and books may find that, despite prior shipments being duty-free, recent boxes are subjected to significant import fees. This can be particularly distressing when customs charges appear without clear explanation or official documentation. Typically, recipients are required to pay duties directly to delivery drivers without receiving a detailed breakdown of the fees. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to understand or dispute the charges.


What Living in the Philippines Was Like: An Expat’s Perspective

I first traveled to the Philippines in 2015 for a solar project in Northern Samar, and was instantly charmed by the local culture and people. My initial visit evolved into a long-term adventure as I organized a yoga retreat in Mindoro and decided to live abroad indefinitely. Although I had an offer to teach yoga in Bali, I opted for a 6-week position on Siargao Island, which unexpectedly became a five-year stay until the Covid-19 pandemic altered travel plans.

Siargao, now bustling compared to when I arrived, remains a unique gem with its vibrant community and the warm hospitality of the locals. Navigating visa requirements in the Philippines is notably simpler than in many neighboring countries, like Indonesia, which is a plus for long-term stays. Connectivity on Siargao has improved but still varies, so remote workers should verify that it meets their needs. While the Filipino diet heavily features meat, and sourcing fresh vegetables can be challenging, the tropical fruits and local cuisine offer their own delights. The strong sense of community in Siargao, where locals and expats blend together makes it a truly special place. If you’re planning a move, be ready for an enriching experience deeply rooted in Filipino culture and hospitality.

Bottom Line

American citizens living in the Philippines have both special benefits and drawbacks. On the plus side, compared to the US, housing, food, and transportation are more reasonably priced due to the relatively lower cost of living. Expats find the Philippines to be a welcoming place because of the nice people and their great hospitality, and they may also enrich their experiences with the country’s lively culture and varied landscapes. On the other hand, obstacles including sporadic bureaucratic roadblocks, disparate infrastructure levels, and constrained healthcare options can be problematic.

Notwithstanding these difficulties, the Philippines offers a fulfilling experience because of its breathtaking natural beauty, vibrant feeling of community, and chance to fully immerse oneself in a diverse range of cultural experiences. The Philippines offers an amazing and rewarding expat experience for individuals who are prepared to embrace the local way of life and adjust to the peculiarities of living overseas.

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How will US Elections impact Philippines?

How will US Elections impact Philippines?

The U.S.-Philippines relationship, spanning over a century, remains a cornerstone of both countries’ strategic and economic interests in Southeast Asia. The alliance, rooted in historical ties dating back to the American colonization of the Philippines in 1898, has evolved through different geopolitical eras, from the Cold War to the rise of China. Under former President Donald Trump, U.S.-Philippines relations saw continuity in defense and security cooperation, but new complexities emerged in areas like trade and climate change. With President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. now leading the Philippines, the relationship continues to adapt to changing global dynamics, setting the stage for future shifts, particularly if Trump were to return to the presidency in 2024.

Historical Foundations and the Evolution of Defense Cooperation

The U.S.-Philippines alliance has historically been anchored in defense agreements, starting with the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) of 1951, which cemented the commitment of both nations to come to each other’s aid in case of an armed attack. This treaty has been the backbone of U.S. military presence in the region, alongside other agreements like the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and the Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA) of 2014.

During the Cold War, the Philippines served as a critical ally for the U.S., hosting major military installations like Clark Air Base and Subic Bay Naval Station, which were vital to projecting U.S. power across the Pacific. Although these bases were closed in the early 1990s, the U.S. continued to engage with the Philippines through joint military exercises, arms sales, and rotational troop deployments. The signing of EDCA revitalized this relationship by allowing U.S. forces access to Philippine military bases, further deepening defense cooperation.

Trump’s Approach: Pragmatic Assertiveness and Unilateralism

Under Donald Trump, U.S. foreign policy was defined by a shift toward unilateralism, framed by the “America First” doctrine. While the broader policy landscape changed, the Trump administration’s approach to the Philippines maintained a strong defense partnership, particularly concerning China’s growing influence in the South China Sea. Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) continued to challenge China’s territorial claims, and the U.S. reaffirmed its commitment to the MDT. In 2019, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo assured Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte that any armed attack on Philippine forces in the South China Sea would trigger U.S. obligations under the defense treaty.

However, Trump’s diplomacy was often transactional, using economic and military assistance as leverage for political concessions. Despite this, the military alliance between the two countries remained robust, largely driven by shared concerns over China’s aggressive posturing in the South China Sea. Trump’s administration made it clear that maintaining regional stability was a priority, even as he recalibrated U.S. alliances globally.


Economic Ties: Trade Surplus and Potential for Future Tariffs

Beyond security cooperation, economic relations between the U.S. and the Philippines are significant. The U.S. is one of the Philippines’ largest trading partners, and the Philippines enjoys a trade surplus with the U.S., exporting goods such as electronics, garments, and agricultural products. In 2022, Philippine exports to the U.S. amounted to over $11 billion, while imports stood at around $9 billion, resulting in a favorable trade balance for Manila.

A key concern for the Philippines under a potential second Trump administration would be the return of protectionist trade policies. Trump’s first term was marked by the imposition of tariffs on several countries, which affected global supply chains and created new trade dynamics. Another Trump tenure could potentially trigger a new wave of tariffs, though the Philippines might benefit in certain sectors, particularly if the U.S. seeks to diversify supply chains away from China. This could create opportunities for Philippine exporters, particularly in electronics and manufacturing, as the U.S. looks to strengthen economic ties with Southeast Asian nations that are not directly involved in the U.S.-China trade war.

Climate Change and Divergent Policies

One of the areas where Trump’s policy diverged significantly from the Philippines’ interests was on climate change. The Philippines, as one of the most climate-vulnerable countries in the world, has consistently advocated for stronger international cooperation on environmental issues. Trump’s skepticism toward climate science, epitomized by his withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, strained this aspect of the U.S.-Philippines relationship.

Under Duterte, the Philippines remained committed to global climate action, though his administration often sought to balance environmental priorities with economic development. The lack of U.S. leadership on climate issues during Trump’s presidency was a missed opportunity for deeper cooperation. As the Philippines faces more frequent and severe natural disasters, collaboration on climate resilience and green energy initiatives is crucial for future bilateral relations.


The Marcos Administration: Navigating Old Alliances and New Realities

Since taking office in 2022, President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has sought to strike a balance between maintaining strong ties with the U.S. and expanding relations with China. While Duterte had pursued a “pivot to China” policy, Marcos has recalibrated Manila’s approach, emphasizing the importance of the U.S. as a security partner while continuing to engage economically with Beijing.

Under Marcos, U.S.-Philippines defense cooperation has deepened further, particularly with the 2024 conclusion of new defense agreements that expand U.S. access to Philippine military facilities under the EDCA. These agreements were factored into the U.S. defense budget for 2024, underscoring the strategic importance Washington places on its alliance with Manila in countering Chinese influence in the Indo-Pacific. The EDCA not only enhances military readiness but also provides infrastructure improvements to Philippine bases, contributing to economic development in the host regions.

The Biden administration has reinforced these defense ties, but questions remain about how a potential second Trump term might alter the course of the relationship. While Trump previously upheld strong military relations, his unpredictable foreign policy style could introduce uncertainties. For instance, Trump might attempt to renegotiate existing agreements, as he did with other U.S. alliances, seeking to reduce U.S. financial contributions or increase demands for Philippine support in countering China.

The Future of U.S.-Philippines Relations

Looking ahead, U.S.-Philippines relations are likely to be shaped by both geopolitical competition and economic considerations. The strategic alliance will continue to focus on the South China Sea, where both nations share concerns about Chinese territorial ambitions. The U.S. will also remain a crucial economic partner for the Philippines, given the ongoing trade surplus and potential opportunities arising from supply chain diversification. Additionally, new defense agreements in 2024 have solidified the Philippines’ role in the U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy, which will likely remain a priority regardless of changes in U.S. leadership.

However, the return of Donald Trump to the White House could bring significant changes. A second Trump administration might pursue a more transactional approach to defense and trade agreements, potentially seeking new tariffs or renegotiating military commitments. While the U.S. would likely maintain its focus on countering China’s influence in the region, the nature of its engagement with the Philippines could shift, with increased pressure on Manila to take a more active role in regional security.


Moreover, Trump’s skepticism toward multilateral agreements and climate change could complicate efforts to strengthen cooperation in these areas. The Philippines, which faces severe environmental challenges, might find itself at odds with a Trump administration unwilling to prioritize climate resilience initiatives. In this scenario, the Philippines could look to other international partners, such as the European Union or Japan, for collaboration on green energy and environmental sustainability.

Strategic Responses of the Philippines

In response to potential changes in U.S. leadership and its implications, the Philippines is likely to diversify its alliances. In order to balance its strategic objectives, it may increase its interaction with other major international powers, such as China, Japan, and the European Union (EU). Reducing over-reliance on the United States also means bolstering ASEAN ties. While keeping a strategic presence in international forums like ASEAN, the UN, and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Philippines will concentrate on regional cooperation to secure economic stability and security.

To navigate changing relations with a potentially repositioning U.S. leadership, the Philippines will have to employ a diplomatic strategy that is subtle. This entails maintaining national security and fostering economic expansion while striking a balance with other great powers. China’s increasing influence in the region is being countered by the Philippines through a trilateral approach that includes actively strengthening its strategic ties with Japan and the US. The focus will be on keeping a diplomatic balance that advances both security and economic goals.

It is anticipated that the Philippine government will reevaluate its domestic policies in light of prospective changes in U.S. leadership. This include adjustments to economic planning, defense plans, and foreign policy. The goal of domestic changes will be to strengthen the nation’s ability to withstand and adjust to changes in the world economy. In order to maintain the nation’s security and economic viability in the face of shifting global dynamics, the Philippine National Security Policy emphasizes the necessity of a strong plan to handle both internal and external threats.


U.S.-Philippines relations, built on a shared history and strategic interests, continue to evolve in response to shifting global dynamics. Under Trump, the military alliance was strengthened, particularly in light of growing Chinese assertiveness in the South China Sea. However, divergences over trade and climate change introduced new complexities into the relationship. As the Marcos administration navigates its ties with both the U.S. and China, the future of U.S.-Philippines relations will hinge on balancing security, economic, and environmental priorities in an increasingly multipolar world.


With new defense agreements in place and trade opportunities on the horizon, the partnership remains critical for both nations. However, the potential for significant policy shifts under a second Trump administration underscores the uncertainty that lies ahead. The ability of both nations to adapt to these changes will determine the resilience and success of one of the oldest alliances in the Asia-Pacific.

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South China Sea: Philippines and Vietnam Deepen Defense Ties Amid Rising Tensions with China

South China Sea Philippines and Vietnam Deepen Defense Ties Amid Rising Tensions with China

The South China Sea (SCS) has long been a focal point of international geopolitical tension. A region that holds vast economic and strategic importance, it has seen competing claims from various nations. At the heart of this dispute lies China’s expansive territorial claims, which have been a source of friction with its neighbors, including Vietnam and the Philippines. As of late August 2024, both countries have taken significant steps to deepen their defense ties, signaling a potential shift in the regional dynamics surrounding the SCS. However, this recent development raises questions about its broader implications, given the complexity of the disputes and the strategic interests of the involved nations.

Historical Background: The South China Sea Dispute

The South China Sea, a body of water stretching from the southeastern coast of China to the northern shores of Borneo, holds immense strategic value. It is not only a critical maritime route through which an estimated $3 trillion worth of trade passes annually but also a region believed to be rich in oil, natural gas, and fish stocks. The territorial disputes in the region primarily revolve around a set of islands, reefs, and shoals, with China making sweeping claims over most of the South China Sea, marked by its controversial “nine-dash line.”

China’s claims overlap with those of several Southeast Asian nations, including the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, and Taiwan. Despite international legal rulings, particularly the 2016 Permanent Court of Arbitration decision that invalidated China’s claims, Beijing has continued to assert its presence through aggressive maritime actions and the militarization of artificial islands. This has, in turn, led to growing tensions with countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, both of whom have found themselves at the forefront of the dispute.

Recent Developments: Strengthening Defense Ties

In late August 2024, Vietnam’s Defense Minister Phan Van Giang visited Manila to meet his Philippine counterpart, Gilberto Teodoro. This meeting culminated in the signing of “letters of intent” aimed at enhancing bilateral defense cooperation between the two nations, particularly in maritime security and disaster response. The agreement is seen as an effort to solidify ties amid growing Chinese assertiveness in the SCS. An official security agreement between the two nations is expected to be signed later in the year, marking a significant development in the evolving security architecture of Southeast Asia.

However, experts suggest that, at this stage, the deepening defense ties are more symbolic than substantive. According to Nguyen Khac Giang, a visiting fellow at the Vietnam Studies Program at the ISEAS–Yusof Ishak Institute in Singapore, the move is largely diplomatic and reflects a long-term strategy rather than an immediate shift in military cooperation. While both nations share a common interest in resisting China’s maritime ambitions, their approaches to the South China Sea dispute differ significantly.


Symbolic Diplomacy or Strategic Shift?

The decision to boost defense ties between Vietnam and the Philippines may be a symbolic gesture for now, but it reflects a deeper undercurrent of change in Southeast Asia’s security landscape. For both countries, the territorial dispute with China is a critical issue that could shape their future foreign policy and defense strategies.

Vietnam, which has a long-standing dispute with China, has traditionally sought to manage its differences with Beijing diplomatically. Since a 2011 agreement, both nations have made efforts to prevent further escalation in the South China Sea. Vietnam’s approach has been characterized by a careful balance: bolstering its claims through land reclamation and fortification while maintaining a functional relationship with China.

The Philippines, on the other hand, has had a more confrontational stance towards China, especially in recent years. The territorial dispute between Manila and Beijing has escalated, with both sides accusing the other of aggressive actions in disputed waters. For the Philippines, closer ties with Vietnam signal an attempt to build regional partnerships as a counterbalance to China’s maritime assertiveness.

According to Zachary Abuza, a professor at the National War College in Washington, this deepening relationship between the Philippines and Vietnam is a positive diplomatic step, though it may not immediately translate into significant military collaboration. The Philippines’ limited maritime capabilities, combined with Vietnam’s cautious approach to deploying its naval forces, means that both nations are still navigating how to turn diplomatic rhetoric into practical military cooperation. Nevertheless, Abuza notes that such engagements could encourage Vietnam to engage more actively in regional security dynamics, particularly in military exercises and deployments.


The Geopolitical Context: China’s Influence and ASEAN’s Division

The growing defense ties between the Philippines and Vietnam must be viewed within the broader context of China’s influence in Southeast Asia. Beijing’s strategy has long been to engage with claimant states on a bilateral basis, thereby preventing a unified regional response to its claims in the South China Sea. This approach has been largely successful, as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), a regional bloc comprising 10 nations, has struggled to form a common stance on the issue.

China has been adept at exploiting divisions within ASEAN, often leveraging economic and political influence to ensure that member states with close economic ties to Beijing, such as Cambodia and Laos, do not support a unified position on the South China Sea. This fragmentation has allowed China to deal with each claimant state individually, avoiding multilateral negotiations that could put it at a disadvantage.

In this context, the recent Vietnam-Philippines defense agreement can be seen as a response to China’s divide-and-conquer tactics. By strengthening their bilateral ties, both nations are signaling their intent to resist Chinese pressure and assert their claims more forcefully. As Abuza notes, the move towards “minilateralism”—small groups of nations cooperating on shared interests—may be the only viable way for Southeast Asian claimant states to push back against China’s dominance.

The Role of the United States

The United States has been a key player in the South China Sea dispute, particularly in its support for the Philippines. Under the Mutual Defense Treaty signed in 1951, Washington has pledged to defend the Philippines in the event of an armed attack, including in the South China Sea. This commitment has been reiterated multiple times, especially as tensions between the Philippines and China have escalated.

For the Philippines, its defense relationship with the U.S. remains a cornerstone of its security strategy. However, the deepening ties with Vietnam reflect a broader strategy of diversifying its defense partnerships. This is partly a recognition that the U.S. alone may not be able to fully counter China’s influence in the region and that regional cooperation is essential.


Vietnam, too, has been seeking to strengthen its international partnerships. While maintaining a cautious approach to its relationship with China, Vietnam has been working to build stronger ties with nations both within and outside of ASEAN. Its defense ties with countries like the U.S., India, and Japan have grown in recent years, as Hanoi seeks to enhance its military capabilities and secure its position in the South China Sea.

Future Prospects: Toward Greater Regional Cooperation?

While the recent agreement between Vietnam and the Philippines is an important step, the question remains whether this will lead to broader regional cooperation among Southeast Asian claimant states. As of now, ASEAN has been unable to present a unified front on the South China Sea, largely due to China’s influence and the differing interests of its member states.

However, there is potential for greater cooperation among like-minded nations within ASEAN. The South China Sea remains a critical issue for countries like Vietnam, the Philippines, and Malaysia, all of whom have seen their territorial claims challenged by China. Strengthening bilateral and multilateral defense ties, as Vietnam and the Philippines are now doing, could pave the way for a more coordinated regional response to China’s maritime ambitions.

In the long term, such cooperation may also extend beyond Southeast Asia. Japan, Australia, and India have all expressed concerns about China’s actions in the South China Sea and have sought to build stronger security ties with Southeast Asian nations. The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad), which includes the U.S., Japan, India, and Australia, has also become more vocal on issues related to freedom of navigation and the rule of law in the South China Sea.


The deepening defense ties between Vietnam and the Philippines represent a significant development in the ongoing geopolitical struggle over the South China Sea. While still largely symbolic, this move reflects the growing recognition among Southeast Asian nations that they must work together to counter China’s assertiveness in the region. Whether this will lead to more substantive military cooperation remains to be seen, but it is clear that both nations are seeking to strengthen their positions amid rising tensions.


China’s strategy of dividing ASEAN and dealing with claimant states on a bilateral basis has been effective thus far, but the increasing cooperation between Vietnam and the Philippines could signal the emergence of new regional dynamics. With the U.S. continuing to back the Philippines and Vietnam seeking to build stronger defense partnerships, the future of the South China Sea dispute remains uncertain. However, what is clear is that the stakes are higher than ever, and the actions of regional powers in the coming years will shape the geopolitical landscape of Southeast Asia for decades to come.

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